Dating sites no image

Last updated on June 22, 2013 | by Aet Suvari


I like your aubergines!

Believe it or not, but online dating has now grown to a point where it can afford to have its own little niche products. Last month I wrote about dating websites designed specifically for cheaters or the elite, now it turns out that eco-friendly online dating is the next big thing.

A new green-friendly dating site called Planet Earth Singles has appeared and advertises itself as a site ‘catering to environmentalists, animal rights activists, vegetarians, vegans, raw foodists and those who value personal growth and consciusness in general’. What a great idea! And not only because it keeps tree-huggers away from general dating sites – but because it gives like-minded people an opportunity to find people like them without going through too much trouble.

Indeed, when it comes to online dating sites, why do we only categorize people by their sexuality, religion or ethnicity? Gay/Lesbian, Christian/Muslim or Asian/Russian dating sites are not so uncommon and you may even be able to find a suitable dating site if you’re a single parent, but when it comes to specific interests you’re in the melting pot with the rest of them. But it shouldn’t be. Not all of us is passionate about politics or football or crocheting – but for those who are, a specific dating site would be a fantastic opportunity to meet a true soulmate.

Katherine Cook, a member of Planet Earth Singles says: ‘I’m not that comfortable meeting a man by commenting on his ‘nicely shaped eggplant’ while shopping in the produce section. Plus it’s impossible to tell if he’s single let alone recycles. Being able to go online and easily find single, available, environmentally-conscious men makes meeting someone so much easier.’

What else is there to say really? It sounds to me there’s a great empty space in the market only waiting to be fulfilled.

Read more about Planet Earth Dating


About the Author

has been reviewing and writing about the world of online dating since 2008 and the launch of Online Dating Help. A stickler for promoting ethical practices within the UK dating industry she champions the sites that get it right while highlighting those holding it back. You can follow her on Google+

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