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Last updated on May 25, 2017 | by Aet Suvari


Is It Time For A Dating Coach?

We wouldn’t think twice about hiring a personal trainer to get our bodies in shape so why do we shrink back from employing an experienced dating coach to help get our love lives on track?

Love is a tricky thing and as much as we’d like to think that we can sort it out for ourselves – sometimes we just can’t. We don’t know what to do. We feel confused, lost and unhappy. None of these feelings make us incisive and induce clear thinking. We desperately feel like we need to act – yet each and every action we take seem to make things only that much worse.

So what do we do?

Often we pour our hearts out to friends and family but the truth is there’s only certain amount that they can take too. Besides, they love us and want to see us happy – but that doesn’t necessarily mean they always give the best advice – or have the courage to tell us the difficult home truths we need to hear.

What we really need is someone with a calm and clear vision, someone who doesn’t jump to conclusions and rash decisions, who doesn’t judge and who speaks from experience.

Michael Coghlan - Last Words From The Coach

Seeing your old patterns through new eyes

Well, there are dating coaches…

Admittedly, they’re much more popular in the US than they are in the UK but if you think about it, there’s absolutely no reason why you shouldn’t turn to a dating coach with your dating
troubles and worries.

A friend recently described working with a life coach as one the best things she’s ever done for herself. Having someone she could talk to whose sole purpose was to help her live the life she wanted was incredibly empowering for her. It was so much easier to get clarity on her life – where she was making mistakes, plan practical steps to avoid them and figure out what was truly important to her.


In the same way a good dating coach (unfortunately there are some not so good ones but we’ll get to that later) will help you see your dating life afresh and provide the tools to help bring it in line with your goals.

And it’s not just a broken heart or a failing marriage that should prompt you to seek out a dating coach. If online dating isn’t working for you and haven’t done so for a while, you might be wise to seek their advice on that too.

A Dating Coach We Liked From The Start

Evan Marc Katz is a dating coach we’ve been following on Twitter and Facebook for a while now and we really like his website and what he’s been doing for thousands of daters who needed a helping hand.

From our first contact on Twitter Evan told us he owns the .com version of onlinedatinghelp. Small world… great minds… kindred spirits… whatever the cliche is the more we read his website the more we kept nodding at the genuine and practical advice for daters.


It was that genuineness, warmth and honesty combined with a commitment to helping people reach their dating goals that convinced us to recommend Evan’s dating coach services to our readers. The fascinating About page on his website (with a guest appearance by Matt Damon) clinched it.

Evan’s blog

There’s tons of dating and relationship advice on Marc’s blog. As he says himself it’s like ‘Google for your love life’.

There’s articles on emotionally unavailable men, feel more comfortable in your skin and happier when going out for a new date. From books you can order to helpful communities you can join – there’s literally all kinds of help available.

And what we love most – there’s heaps of quality advice for online daters too. You can check out the typical mistakes online daters make in their endeavors to attract more attention to their profiles, you can listen to Evan’s specially made audio series on finding love online, packed with advice on how to choose the right site for you, get your profile sorted and send out well crafted and witty emails.

There’s also some products you can sign up for such as How to Understand Men, Why He Disappeared as well as more free advice and an free video interview you can sign up to watch.

Evan is primarily a dating coach for women but he doesn’t exclusively work with women and a great deal of his advice is applicable to both sexes.

So there’s a wealth of free information on the blog with loads of tips for daters but if you’re even more committed to turning things around in your love life and think you could do with some gentle coaching on the side, you could commit to one of Evan’s coaching sessions.


Like he says – he’s like a personal trainer for people who want to fall in love. There are four different courses to choose from – from four weeks to twelve weeks, and you’ll work privately with Evan over the phone to get a real personalised approach to whatever problem you’re facing.

The Dating Coach Dilemma – To Pay Or Not To Pay?

I can hear what you’re thinking: yes, but isn’t it a bit extreme – paying for a dating coach? Shouldn’t I be able to figure this stuff out myself?

Depends on your perspective. We seek advice all the time. Some of us – like me – aren’t able to change the headlight lamps for the car, so I have to go to the garage every time this happens.

Very annoying, not to mention time-consuming. Some of us can’t cook, so we buy cookbooks. Most of us don’t cut our own hair. We have pedicures done. All these things we consider necessary for our wellbeing – well, except maybe headlights, as I don’t much care for them personally. But do we really care more about our toenails than we do about our love life?

If you feel like the whole dating scene is not working out for you, surely you could try seeking advice?

To show you what’s possible with a dating coach here’s an email from a client of Evan’s taken from his Facebook page today:

facebook post

I guess many people are reluctant to turn to a dating coach because it isn’t free. We all want free stuff – yet we know that good quality often costs good money.

Personally I think it makes more sense to make that one-time investment and get some good advice on how to be a successful online dater than keep paying a dating site month after month, year after year.

There’s also a sensible fear of wasting your money on someone with little experience or false motives. Trust is absolutely essential in coaching. That’s why we’ve researched the dating industry and waited to find a dating coach we trusted enough to give our ODH seal of approval to.

Whatever you decide to do I hope you find something that personally helps you get back on track with your dating life on the Evan Marc Katz Website.

Have you perhaps used the services of a dating coach? If so, let us know what you thought and whether you found it useful.

We are keen as always to hear your thoughts and read your comments!

About the Author

has been reviewing and writing about the world of online dating since 2008 and the launch of Online Dating Help. A stickler for promoting ethical practices within the UK dating industry she champions the sites that get it right while highlighting those holding it back. You can follow her on Google+

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