Reviews single-solution

Last updated on December 15, 2015 | by Aet Suvari


Single Solution Review

Single Solution Review Aet Suvari

Single Solution Review Ratings

Easy to use
Price and Value

Summary: If you live in or around London and are partial to dating events and singles nights out, you could give Single Solution a try.


Single Solution is a dating site offering both dating events and online dating – read our Single Solution review for an inside look…

If dating events such as speed dating and other singles’ events are your cup of tea and you live in or in the vicinity of London – this site could work well for you.

Single Solution promotes itself as a dating site offering services to intelligent, smart singles between ages 25 and 60. Surely an overwhelming majority of online daters fall in this category – younger people tend to rely more on dating apps such as Tinder and older folk… well, they probably date the old fashioned way.

Signing up and creating a profile

As most dating sites, Single Solution tries to find suitable matches for you by compatibility. When you sign up, you have to go through the usual profile-creating drill of box-ticking and trying to be witty when writing up your intros and descriptions. In that sense Single Solution is quite traditional, offering a wide array of characteristics, likes and dislikes, hobbies and other credentials to show who you really ARE. Members can go into great lengths describing themselves – or they could take the easy way out and limit the amount they actually write up themselves to a bare minimum.

However, there is also an extensive compatibility section, where members have to answer multiple-choice questions. All your answers are created to match you up with like-minded members – however, bear in mind that this service is only for paid members. The same goes for performing a detailed search.

Searching and popularity

All others can use the basic search – and there’s really not anything wrong with it, even if it is called ‘basic’. Search works well and lets you choose between quite a few criteria, but unfortunately it is very clearly geared towards Londoners and people living near the capital. For example, if you perform a random search, looking for men between the ages of 32 and 44 then the search performed for London gives you 96 matches while the search for the whole of Scotland returns only 2! That’s a staggering difference, which clearly goes to show that if you’re from somewhere else than the capital, there’s not much point for you to spend your money here and you’d probably have a better chance finding a date on Match or eHarmony – in other words, dating sites that are simply so big that they’re bound to have a decent number of users even in smaller cities and towns.

Of course, as most decent dating sites do these days, Single Solutions also has their very own little ‘corner of Tinder’ as we like to call it. Basically you are shown a bunch of profiles every day that you can mark as your ‘Yes’, ‘No’ or ‘Maybe’ People. If you get ten Yes or Maybe votes, they will notify you who they are and once you tag them back with a respective „Yes“ or „Maybe“, they too will get notified.

An interesting feature, which we haven’t encountered before, is a so-called Sinbin – a special tab for profiles of scammers, spammers and other users who have been banned. They’re all enlisted there and you can take a look at their profiles and even get in touch! That’s probably a bit weird… but at least it shows the site is actively monitored every day to keep the scammers out.

Singles Events

So, in that sense, Single Solution really doesn’t offer anything extraordinary, it’s definitely more mainstream than a niche dating site. However, what they DO offer, are singles events. Anything from singles parties to speed dating, ice breakers to social events is fully catered by them. They also have a special division catering for British Asians.

Free vs Paid membership

So why should you consider paying – what do you get in return? First and foremost – unlimited messaging to all members. Bear in mind that all members can send some messages and even free members can always write emails to paying members and also read messages that have been sent to them. Plus you get read receipts, an option to send ecards and longer messages, upload more photos etc. You feature higher in search results, get special compatibility and matching reports and are able to see, which members have liked you and marked you as their favourite.

Single Solution Review - Good A decent online dating site with special emphasis to throwing dating events.
Single Solution Review - Bad Centered in and around London it doesn’t really offer much for people outside the capital area.

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Congratulations you’ve reached the grand finale of our Single Solution review – good luck if you decide to sign up!

About the Author

has been reviewing and writing about the world of online dating since 2008 and the launch of Online Dating Help. A stickler for promoting ethical practices within the UK dating industry she champions the sites that get it right while highlighting those holding it back. You can follow her on Google+

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