
Last updated on December 8, 2014 | by Aet Suvari


8 Proven Ways To Build A Successful Online Dating Profile

Don’t know where to start with your online dating profile? Or maybe you’ve had a profile but not had as much attention as you’d hoped? Fear not. Help is here!

We’ve asked activity based dating site for their top tips for creating a dating profile guaranteed to generate some interest!

They’re even giving us the chance to save 30% on a month – that’s a tenner off your first month!

It’s free to make a profile on DoingSomething so you can try the site out before you decide to sign up. To get your membership discount use code date30 at the checkout.

Update: All new users automatically get 72 hours unlimited messaging on the site. So you can read your messages. Send messages. And start going on dates!

DoingSomething - Successful Online Dating Profile


1)More photos, more action!
Members want to see what you look like before asking you on a date. DoingSomething is less superficial than some sites we can mention (you know who you are). Though our data show s members with three or more photos, get a whopping five times more profile activity than users with no photo!

2) High quality pics = high quality profile.
Handsome/beautiful in real life? Make sure you choose photos that demonstrate it. Blurred photos in the dark can come off as a ‘I’m hiding something’ read. Clear pics = more dates.

3) Men! No topless pics!
Even if you do have a fit body, it just makes it look like you’re after one thing. Clothes. And we want to date you, not mother you. A number one pet peeve amongst the women.

4) Lose the other person.
Whether it’s an ex or the bunch of drunk friends in the background. We want to know exactly who we’re going on a date with. Not play ‘pick the best looking drunk in this pic’ nor compare ourselves to any potential competition.

Great. You’ve put up three nice, clear photos. All with clothes on. And mostly in daylight. What next?

About You

All dating sites have an ‘About Me’ section. We know, it can be pretty cringe to try and ‘sell’ yourself. Just take a second and think what will set you apart from the others.


5) The more specific, the better.
Don’t speak in generalities and platitudes. Everyone likes staying in and going out. Be specific, give something away. On DoingSomething we ask people to describe themselves as a biscuit. Having a bit of fun with what you write certainly won’t hurt.

6) Show, don’t tell.
On DoingSomething, members suggest date activities they want to try out which tells prospective daters a bit about who they are. Want to show you’re an adventurous foodie fanatic? Why not suggest cooking alligator burgers at BOBO Social.

Want to show you’re a fun, active type? Suggest a rock climbing session. Whatever you do, don’t just list your qualities as ‘adventurous, fun, active’. Be those qualities!

7) Tell the truth!
About your age. About your height. About anything. It will only end in tears. If you choose a date idea just to impress but have no interest in trying out yourself, what are you going to do when you actually get asked out to do it?

DoingSomething Twister - Successful Online Dating Profile


Seen a profile you like? Time to act.

8) Again, be specific
Seen a profile you like? Time to act. ‘I really like your Date Idea’ is too generic. And the recipient knows all too well you could be firing off that vanilla opener to hundreds of potential matches. At the very least, use what you’ve read on their profile to make the message personal.

Tell them you love their joke, never knew their useless fact, or that you’ve always wanted to try their date idea. Then you’re on your way to asking them out!

Time to get started!
So now you know how to create a successful online dating profile, let’s get going. It’s free to make a profile on DoingSomething but members with upgraded membership can message other members and go on dates.

DoingSomething are generously giving ODH readers a £10 discount on their monthly membership! To get your membership discount use code date30 at the checkout.

About the Author

has been reviewing and writing about the world of online dating since 2008 and the launch of Online Dating Help. A stickler for promoting ethical practices within the UK dating industry she champions the sites that get it right while highlighting those holding it back. You can follow her on Google+

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