Tips trueview

Last updated on August 25, 2013 | by Aet Suvari


TrueView dating app – what would you like to do?

We recently wrote an article about dating site apps and which ones are the best according to our humble view. Since then another great app has come to our notice, which we cannot ignore – partly because it’s so good and partly because it’s a local invention. That’s right. We’re talking about TrueView, a small start-up from London.

The guys who came up with it designed it with the sole purpose of connecting you to other people through things you love doing. Therefore it’s not just a dating app but also a great social networking or friend-finding widget.

TrueView is easy to use, well-designed, quick and simple. That’s basically all you need in an app – and not much more. Of course, you also need a good number of people using it and with TrueView the membership numbers are growing on a daily basis. Right now it has a solid membership base in London and other bigger cities but not so much yet in smaller towns and villages. We can only imagine it will change pretty soon.

It’s so easy and effortless to use it that we wouldn’t be surprised if it didn’t give most of the other dating apps run for the money. What we find to be a problem with some dating apps is that they are too complicated and try to fit too much information on that tiny screen that soon enough you just give up the whole idea of using your smartphone as a dating device and go back to good old online dating via your laptop or desktop. Or then it’s the other way round – the dating app is too simple, having basically just photos and nothing else and is clearly meant for teenagers. Well, rest assured TrueView is neither.

You can create your profile, loading up the photos, basic information and the list of things you like to do – and off you go. Otherwise it works like any other online dating site: boy meets girl, they hit it off and the rest is history.

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About the Author

has been reviewing and writing about the world of online dating since 2008 and the launch of Online Dating Help. A stickler for promoting ethical practices within the UK dating industry she champions the sites that get it right while highlighting those holding it back. You can follow her on Google+

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