
Last updated on February 24, 2014 | by Aet Suvari


If dating sites were famous actors…

If you think about it, dating sites aren’t really that different from famous actors and actresses.

Both draw millions of people to the screens, both make us to part with our hard-earned cash in order to pay them a visit and both talk a lot about love…

But what if we could identify dating sites with famous actors? Who would they personify? Well, here’s our pick. – Leonardo DiCaprio


Is there a more universal actor than Leo? He’s extremely popular, very versatile, truly celebrated and well-renowned. Just looking at the scope of different movies he’s made over the years – there’s something for every taste there. He ticks just about every single box and his movies attract a huge audience. He’s just a star.

And the same goes for Match. It’s currently the most popular dating site, with lots of versatility to offer to its members. Just like Leo is known around the world (you can blame The Titanic for that…), so is Match “the king of the world” amongst dating sites.

And just like Leo keeps looking for the ‘right one’, Match gives you the best opportunity to find that ‘right one’ for you with its sheer volume of members.

Read our review  |  Visit website

eHarmony – Tom Hanks


You know that Tom Hanks just had to be in this list – after “You’ve Got Mail” he’s just one of the most obvious choices to portray a website.

But why eHarmony? Well, because Mr Hanks comes across as trustworthy, no-nonsense and reliable. Never has he been known for being a playboy – or even playing a playboy – as he and Rita Wilson represent one of these Hollywood golden couples who are still happily married with no scandalous clouds hanging above their heads.

Tom Hanks is known to be a genuinely nice guy: friendly, honest and respectful – yet never boring or lacking in wit or opinion.

And isn’t all this a bit like we imagine eHarmony to be?

As a dating site eHarmony also takes great pride in building trust with its members, is reliable and respectable – and just as popular.

It places a great deal of importance on finding the right person and establishing a long-term relationship, rather than short term flirting and flings.

And because you can’t really perform your own searches but have to rely upon the matches eHarmony chooses for you, I think we’re not too far off to quote a character so famously portrayed by Mr Hanks: “It’s like a box of chocolates… you never know what you’re gonna get.”

Read our eHarmony review  |  Visit eHarmony website

OKCupid – Jennifer Lawrence


OKCupid is a site that is accessible to everyone, that is up-and-coming, popular and credible. As a free site it gives the old dinosaurs of Match and eHarmony a run for their money with its simple, yet effective service. Young people like it, there’s no fuss, no frills and no kerfuffle.

If we look at fresh-faced Jennifer Lawrence we see essentially the same effect. She is one of the most popular young actresses as the moment whose versatility speaks volumes.

From Hunger Games to American Hustle, she is the real deal, she’s the one bringing people to the movies. Loved by millions of people she hasn’t reached the peak of her stardom just yet but she’s on her way.

And so, we believe, is OKCupid.

Read our OKCupid review  |  Visit OKCupid website

Tinder – Jared Leto


We agree, pairing Tinder and Jared Leto is a bit obvious… but there has to be an obvious choice here as well.

Who else to capture the contagious essence of Tinder better than the volatile, seductive, explosive Leto?

Tinder is the new popular craze in the world of online dating. It’s captivating, cool, contemporary and slightly sinful just like a true star.

Nobody there would claim the moral high ground about you having some fun, chilling out or wanting something casual instead of something lasting and long-term.

Leto’s long string of girlfriends suggests that he sure wouldn’t judge anyone who’s not looking to settle down with ‘The One’ just yet.

Like 30 Seconds to Mars, fronted by Jared, Tinder is also all about love, lust, faith and dreams…

Visit Tinder website

JDate – Natalie Portman


JDate is the popular dating site catering for Jewish people and those looking for a Jewish date.

With Natalie Portman being one of the finest Israel exports on the screen, there really is no better face to represent JDate than her.

Proud of her Jewish heritage she has always emphasised the importance of her roots, her closeness to Israel and to the Jewish culture.

And that is ultimately all that JDate is about as well – being proud of your origin and celebrating it.

Read our JDate review  |  Visit JDate website

Dating for Parents – Brangelina


Did I say Jared Leto was an obvious choice for Tinder?

Well, I think I can trump that here with naming Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie as the best match for Dating for Parents.

In fact, this popular dating site seems to be personified in the famous couple with their six children. Dating for Parents is a site where you don’t have to worry about your offspring being a turn-off for other members – everyone else there is either a proud parent themselves or at least ready to date someone with kids.

And I’m pretty sure that as far as excellent examples of good parenting goes, Brangelina is right up there.

Read our Dating for Parents review  |  Visit Dating for Parents website

Doingsomething – Benedict Cumberbatch


Doingsomething is probably the most successful and popular new British dating site.

Fantastically original, fresh and exciting, it’s not your standard “good old dating site”, it’s much more than just that.

With a bit of time we can really see that site going far and creating a buzz much further than just the shores of Britain.

Of course, Benedict Cumberbatch has already succeeded in doing that. His originality, quirkiness and dashing looks have conquered hearts all around the world and he is probably the next big thing coming out of Britain.

He really is going places and doing something fun.

Read our DoingSomething review  |  Visit DoingSomething website

Mysinglefriend – Emma Watson


Another great British site Mysinglefriend is all about friends trying to help us land a date.

Dating sites are not universally suitable for everyone and even though they’re predicting that by 2020 more than half of all relationships will start online, there’s still a little bit of a stigma attached to online dating.

That’s why Mysinglefriend is so great because it really takes the edge off it – if your friends dig it, it’s got be alright, right?

When I think about the way friendship and loyalty have been portrayed in great movies, I can’t help but think about the Harry Potter films.

Dating isn’t quite as intimidating as destroying Voldemort, but I think we’d all appreciate friends like Ron and Hermione to help us through a hard quest.

Read our MySingleFriend review  |  Visit MySingleFriend website

Lovestruck – Michelle Dockery


Lovestruck is such a great British site, it really has all the credentials to become a more universal and well-known dating site than it is right now.

At the moment it’s focusing mainly on London but as a good site for busy people it certainly has potential for so much more – especially as it has its own sites for New York and Singapore as well. The whole idea behind Lovestruck is to make dating feel less intimidating, more laid-back and chilled as an experience.

Downton Abbey’s Lady Mary or Michelle Dockery is also one of those great English actresses with huge potential to capture many hearts out there.

She’s fast gaining popularity and it won’t be long until she’s the next big thing.

Read our Lovestruck review  |  Visit LoveStruck website

Guardian Soulmates – Robert Pattinson


Who are the type of people using Guardian Soulmates? Seeing theyre are most probably Guardian readers, I’d say they are liberal, creative, clever and witty.

So is Robert Pattinson.

And if you hear the word “soulmate” and try and put it in the context of popular culture, who pops in your mind?

Well, excuse me for being a little teenagerish, but the Twilight movies certainly captures the idea of soulmate-ness, even if we are talking about love between a human girl and a vampire boy.

Read our Guardian Soulmates review  |  Visit Guardian Soulmates website

Muddy Matches – Colin Firth


Muddy Matches is a nifty little site meant for people with the countryside in their hearts.

It’s a great independent British site that hasn’t been intimidated by the vast competition in online dating and has realised there is a definite gap in the market for such a niche site.

Granted, Colin Firth isn’t exactly your average niche-actor, no he’s certainly a super-star material. But we are nominating him purely because of that famous scene in Pride and Prejudice where he dives right into the lake in Pemberley. Surely, anyone who can pull this off as sexily as he did, deserves to represent this category with pride.

Read our Muddy Matches article  |  Visit Muddy Matches website

About the Author

has been reviewing and writing about the world of online dating since 2008 and the launch of Online Dating Help. A stickler for promoting ethical practices within the UK dating industry she champions the sites that get it right while highlighting those holding it back. You can follow her on Google+

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