Interviews rebecca-saskia

Last updated on March 17, 2020 | by Aet Suvari


Irresistible Dating Interview

Dating experts photographer Saskia Nelson and personal performance coach Rebecca Perkins talked to us about their new website Irresistible Dating. How to make your profile stand out from the crowd? How to meet the right kind of people you’re looking for? All this and much more in this exclusive interview…

First of all, what is Irresistible Dating and how did you come up with the idea?

I was introduced to Saskia by Charly Lester (Global Head of Dating for Time Out magazine). I was excited by Saskia’s work and approached her for her thoughts on an idea I had where we could combine our talents – hers as a brilliant dating photographer and mine as a writer and coach. I wanted to offer clients the opportunity to create an Irresistible Dating Profile. Funnily enough Saskia had been thinking along the same lines and was waiting for the right partner to appear!

Clients come to us when they are looking to stand out from the crowd. They come to us because they aren’t getting the results they deserve. Saskia works with our clients creating fabulous photographs that show off their personality and Rebecca works with them to create a profile that allows their personality to shine out in their words.

Yes, I’d had a similar idea when I was in Paris last year with my boyfriend celebrating our anniversary. I was thinking along the lines of ‘wouldn’t it be great to run a weekend in Paris, where we could bring people from the UK to work on their dating profiles in small groups and use the gorgeous streets, parks and backdrops of Paris to take their photos and then I started thinking, that would be great to do in London too – I just needed to find the right partner!

Irresistible Dating Interview - Photo

Why did you see the need for such a site in the UK? Was there a gap in the market or is it just a really clever start-up idea?

Back in 2012 I was ready for a relationship following a divorce. I wasn’t meeting the right kind of men online so thought I’d try something a little unusual and create an ‘irresistible’ dating profile! I also wanted to filter out the number of wrong matches, winks, likes and emails I was getting! I wanted someone to ‘get’ me. I worked with a friend to create a step by step process creating a stand out profile…..and it worked and I’m happy to say that I’ve been with my partner for almost 3 years!

Yes, there was a gap in the market and it’s a great start-up idea! There are people out there who will write your profile for you (which to me seems wrong!) and we are the only business offering this full service where you are guided and coached into creating a profile that you’ve written and can be proud of AND have fabulous photographs.

Well I launched my dating photography business, Saturday Night’s Alright, two years ago knowing there was a gap in the market for this service – I’m currently the only dedicated dating photographer in the UK – and the number of clients I work with backs this up.

But there is also a gap in the market for Rebecca’s unique approach in helping people create their irresistible profile. As Rebecca mentions there are people out there who do the writing for their client which always struck me as a bit too ‘Cyrano de Bergerac’. Rebecca’s coaching technique is awesome, she helps her clients really figure out who they are (and I’m talking about the important stuff like values etc.) and then helps them get it down on paper in a way that excites and delights rather than bores.

If you put us together, then we have an incredibly powerful and unique offer for our clients. Currently no one else offers this level of support for daters needing help with their profile.

Irresistible Dating Portrait

How long have you been working on the programme?

We had our first conversation in the autumn of 2014 and have been writing, creating and working on our website and Irresistible Dating Profile packages since then. It’s still early days! We are getting some incredible feedback from clients already, which is wonderful.

And it’s so cool to find someone to work with. We both run our own businesses, which can make you feel a bit isolated on occasion, so it’s brilliant to be working on this with Rebecca – she’s so inspiring and uplifting.

Who is Irresistible Dating meant for?

I guess our ideal client is someone who is serious about finding love online. They are likely to be in their late 30s and into their 50s.They want to stand out online. They are likely to be time poor and don’t want to spend every evening and weekend looking at dating websites. They aren’t ready to call in the matchmakers yet and still want to create their own profile.

Yes exactly, and I would add that they aren’t afraid of doing a little work at the beginning of their journey with Rebecca and I to make sure their dating profiles are attractive, intriguing, exciting and really reflect who they are.

How does the programme work? What’s going to be your role in the process and could you describe the way you’re going to work with your customers?

The great thing about Irresistible Dating is that clients can choose how they wish to work with us depending on what suits them best. If clients want both profile and photographs there a couple of different ways we work.

First, they can book on a full-on, fun, full-day workshop which we schedule throughout the year. Or alternatively they can work one-to-one with Rebecca & then Saskia, if they are London-based. We can arrange to spend a morning or afternoon somewhere in London – we love working at The Hoxton in Shoreditch – it’s got a creative buzz which is perfect for what we’re doing.


Rebecca works through the steps of the profile writing helping clients create the bones of a profile they’re going to love – it’s wonderful seeing the transformation in people! Saskia then drops by to take them off for a photo shoot and then they’re back to complete the steps with Rebecca.

Or they can just work with one or other of us separately if they don’t need both parts of the service.

Check out Saskia’s website for her prices. Rebecca also works via email and Skype so can support clients from all over the world.

You offer help with profiles and photos but also workshops? Sounds exciting! Tell us more.

Our workshops are intimate! We only offer 6 places at a time so that we get to really know each of the participants. We create a safe and open environment for them to explore. Working in a group can be an incredibly creative experience. Saskia takes photographs throughout the day and Rebecca works with the group drawing the very best out of the participants. It’s an inspiring day!

How much does it all cost for your customers?

The costs vary depending on if you’re attending the workshop (£600), working with Saskia independently (see her website for details) or working with Rebecca on their written profile (from £250 see her website for details).

You two know a lot about online dating. What do you think is the future of it?

Yes, we know a lot about online dating. We met our guys online after all! I got a great insight into the online dating world as one of the judges for the UK Dating Awards last autumn. It was great to see individuals and companies being rewarded for their quality products and high standards.

In the two years I’ve been working in the industry I would say the stigma of dating someone you’ve met online has almost vanished. I think Tinder has probably played a big part in that. This means that online dating is going to become the norm for meeting future partners. For the younger generation it already is. I’ve seen a huge increase in the number of clients I work with over the last year particularly so what this means is that people without decent photos are competing with those who have. It’s going to be even more important to stand out online as more and more people join the crowded online dating world.

There is a real opportunity to find your ideal match as more people get online but we truly believe the easiest and most painless way to do it is to invest in creating an irresistible profile up front and then let the fun begin.

Thanks again to Saskia & Rebecca for a great interview – the dating world would be a less fun place without you and we’re excited to see where this new venture takes you both!

To contact Rebecca and Saskia head over to their website Irresistible Dating. They’re also hanging out on Facebook and Twitter.

About the Author

has been reviewing and writing about the world of online dating since 2008 and the launch of Online Dating Help. A stickler for promoting ethical practices within the UK dating industry she champions the sites that get it right while highlighting those holding it back. You can follow her on Google+

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